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Remembering recently lost friends

Remembering recently lost friends

David Patton10 Aug 2022 - 16:13
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Paying our respects to the lives of Edward ‘Ted’ White, Colin Fleetwood and Martin & Jean Corps.

Bearsted Cricket Club is fortunate to have been integral to our village and it’s community for nearly 275 years. In that time we have provided access to good quality cricket for a large number of players and supporters alike, many of whom have become, and have made, very good friends on the Green and become integral to the history and played a part in the future of the club, on and off the field – maintaining their associations for a lifetime.

It is therefore with a heavy heart that that we as a club hear the news of the passing of any players, members or supporters who have given so much to allow this great club to operate, develop, grow and flourish as it is today.

Our thoughts are with the families and friends of these former ‘Bears’, at these sad times, and as we remember those who have died in recent months. We hope they continue to watch and enjoy their cricket on the Green (and now at Hollingbourne) from above…

Edward 'Ted' White
Played for BCC from 1948 to 1981

NOTE: For those who would like to pay their respects in person, Ted White’s funeral will be taking place at Holy Cross Church, Bearsted on Tuesday 16th August at 10:30am.

Ted was an all-rounder, playing for both 1st & 2nd teams - also one of the original members of the 'Infidels', Bearsted Cricket Club’s first attempt at Sunday Cricket in the early 1960s.

Memories of Ted from a BCC Life Member:

“Ted was a very shy and private person.

“My first memory of Ted was seeing him, in his overall, behind the bacon slicer. He worked, I think all his life, in Mr. Marsh's grocer's shop, which stood where Amazon hairdressing is now. Ted was quite an introverted person, just saying as much as he needed, but not really one for friendly chitchat.

“Our paths really crossed again when I became secretary of the Cricket Club. He would come up from his home in The Street to watch most games until about five years ago, when he went in to Barty House. Sitting with him were a couple of other elderly gentlemen, but he got rather annoyed with them because they would like to talk to him, when he wanted to watch the game! He kept himself to himself always, being polite, but not over verbose. As a Tea lady, I did offer him refreshment, but he always declined.

“I don't think Ted was a drinker: the story goes that he did once indulge, but he overdid it, and came home a little the worse for wear. His mother, with whom he lived, was furious, and he never did it again!

“Ted looked after his mother for many years, until her death. He never married, but gradually made good friends with his next door neighbour.”

Ted White in BCC numbers

  • Batting: 503 innings, 66 not outs with a highest score 121 not out for a total of 9,631 runs at 22.03
  • Including four 100s.
  • Bowling: 693 wickets at average 15 with a best of 7 for 23. He had 19 5-wicket hauls
  • Fielding: 182 catches
  • Best all-rounder season: 1964, scoring 587 runs and taking 48 wickets.
  • Also of note: 1949 - 477 runs and 55 wickets; 1951 - 400 runs and 58 wickets

Ted White’s memorial bench on the Green is currently being replaced by Bearsted CC

Colin Fleetwood
Played from 1952 to 1984

Recently the club had become concerned by not hearing from Colin for a while, leading to one of our vice presidents taking time to try and make contact. On phoning St. Bartholomew’s Church at Otford we were given the sad news that Colin had passed away (unfortunately we do not have a date but we suspect it was some time last year).

The same club Vice President continues:

“Colin gave a lot to Bearsted Cricket Club which continued after his move to Otford and was a pleasure to have known him. He held the offices of Secretary, Captain (he captained the 1st XI from 1965 to 1970 then again from 1973 to 1975, Chairman, President and was a Honorary Life Member.

“He was a very talented batsman and went to Tonbridge School, twice playing at Lords in 1952 and 1953 against Clifton College, scoring 55 and 66. At Cambridge University in 1956 he scored 22 in the freshman’s match at Fenners before being caught by future England captain Ted Dexter.

“In the University Trial match the following year he was out for a duck and unfortunately missed out on the chance of first class cricket.”

Colin Fleetwood in BCC numbers

  • Batting: 434 innings, 59 not outs with a highest score 113 not out for a total of 12,412 runs at 33.1
  • Including seven 100’s.
  • Fielding: 63 catches
  • Best season: 1973 – 730 runs

Martin Corps (and his wife, Jean)
Played for BCC from 1925 to 1950

Although Martin died in 1978, we remember him today on hearing of the death of his wife, Jean, also a Vice President of Bearsted CC, who passed away in July 2022.

Martin captained the 2nd XI in 1947 and 1948. He served on the Committee from around 1940 (based on the earliest fixture card our Club Historian has). He became a Vice-President in 1954 and was the Club's first 'Honorary Life Member'.

More memories of Martin, once again from current BCC Life Member:

“Martin was a long term resident of Bearsted, born in 1908. I believe that his parents kept a grocers shop, on the site which now houses Amazon hair dressing. However, Martin did not follow in his parents' footsteps, eventually rising to be a Bank Manager at the National Provincial Bank, which later became NatWest.

“He took part in a variety of local activities such as the Red Cross, and he was a founder member of the Bearsted Dramatic Society.

“Martin's one hobby was his garden, a love which he passed on to his wife, and later his daughter. He belonged to Detling Gardening Society.

“Martin was a keen cricketer, and served as Captain of the Second Eleven for two years immediately at the end of the Second World War.

“Martin was also very interested in Local Government. He served on the Parish Council from 1947, eventually becoming chairman in 1966, a post in which he remained active until 1975. In 1973 he became Chairman of Maidstone Rural District Council, the precursor of the Borough Council, and with the reorganisation of local government at a national level in 1974, he became Mayor of Maidstone, with his wife Jean as Mayoress.”

Unfortunately there are limited if no recorded statistics of Martin Corps time with BCC.

New brass plaques are currently being produced for the Bearsted CC Memorial Bench to the front of the pavilion in memory of Colin, Martin and Jean.

We will remember them…

RIP from all at Bearsted Cricket Club

Further reading